Lets Put In Hands Together To Save Our Beautiful Culture, Society,Religion, Language and Our Recognition..Listen Rajbanshi Songs...>O Ge Beti Jaasis Ge..... # Naya Saalat...


15 December 1915 : BIRTHDAY Jagaddipendra Narayan Bhup Bahadur, (15 December 1915 – 11 April 1970) was Maharaja of Cooch-Behar. He was born at Cooch Behar Palace as the eldest son of Maharaja Jitendra Narayan Bhup Bahadur, the Maharaja of Cooch-Behar, by his wife, Maharani Indira Devi. He was educated at St Cyprian's School Eastbourne, Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge, and also at the Prince of Wales Royal Indian Military College, Dehradun. He became the Maharaja of Cooch Behar at the age of seven on the death of his father on 20 December 1922 and ascended the gadi, on 24 December 1922. He reigned under the Regency of his mother until he came of age and was invested with full ruling powers on 6 April 1936. He served with the British Army in World War II in North Africa, Assam, Burma, and South East Asia. He was present at the time of the Japanese surrender at Singapore in 1945. He was Chief Commandant

तराईका आदिवासीहरु हुक्काहुक्की हर्षोल्लासपूर्वक मनाउँदै

१८ कार्तिक, खजुरगाछी ।
राजवंशी समाज विकास समिति जुरोपानीले शुभ दिपावलीको अवसरमा आइतबार धुमधामसग सामुहिक हुक्काहुक्की खेलको आयोजना गरेको छ । तराईका आदिवासी समुदायले परम्परागत रुपमा मनाउँदै आएको हुक्काहुक्की खेल दादो दादी भनेर हजुरबा हजुरआमालाई सम्झिँदै मनाएको समाजका अध्यक्ष रघुनाथ राजवंशीले वताए ।
हर्षोल्लासपूर्वक मनाइने गरेको हुक्काहुक्की मनाउन पूर्वका राजवंशी, कोच, ताजपुरिया, ऋषिदेव, माझी,


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shukladhwaj (1510 – 1571 AD), or more popularly Chilarai, was the younger brother of Nara Narayan, the king of the Kamata kingdom in the 16th century. He was Nara Narayan's commander-in-chief and he got his name Chilarai because his movement as a general was as fast as a chila (kite). Chilarai is known to have descended from the powerful founder of the Koch dynasty of Kamatapur, Viswa Simha. By his valour, he played a significant role in expanding the empire of his elder brother, Maharaja Nara Narayan. His valour ensured Koch supremacy over the Bhutia, Kachari kingdom and the Ahoms though several battles were fought between the Koches and Ahoms with countable victories for both sides.

History of Sidli Koch Kingdom

The original Goalpara district was first created in 1822 A.D. by David Scott- an employee of East India Company, who was the first Commissioner of newly created North East Rangpur district Hd. Qr. at Rangpur town (now in Bangla Desh) and newly created Goalpara district was also tagged with North-East Rangpur district for administration. The erstwhile Bijni Kingdom's area which included the undivided Garo Hills district area also constituted the original Goalpara district area in 1822. In 1866 Garo Hills was separated from Goalpara district area and in the same year a new district named "Greater Koch Behar" was created and the residual portion of Goalpara district was withdrawn from Rangpur and tagged with Koch Behar. In 1874 a new province named Assam Valley Province was created by British Govt. (Successor of East India Company) and Goalpara district area was withdrawn from Koch Behar and tagged with Assam Province which continues till today unless petty political gambling disturbs. Now the original

मोर जीवनसाथी

घरमा बेकामे भएर बसेपछि बाबुले दीपकलाई विदेश पठाइदिन्छन् । धेरथोर पैसा कमाएपछि घरमा बोलाएर उसलाई बाबुले बिहेका लागि आग्रह गर्छन् । दीपकको गाउँकै आरतीसित बिहे हुन्छ । तर, वैवाहिक सम्बन्ध सुमधुर बन्न सक्तैन । दीपक घरायसी मामलाभन्दा पनि बाहिरी रिमझिममा व्यस्त हुन्छ । उसले पत्नीलाई विदेशै लिएर गएको हुन्छ । यस्तै सिलसिलामा उसको रोश्नीसित प्रेमसम्बन्ध सुरु हुन्छ । तर, आखिरीमा उसले आरतीलाई माया गर्छ । सबै मिलेर बस्छन् ।
यो कथा हो राजवंशी भाषाको पछिल्लो चलचित्र मोर जीवनसाथीको ।  झापा विर्तामोडको च्यारेटी शो पर््रदर्शनको अवसरमा निर्माता दरपसिंह राजवंशीले भने, 'फिलिम पारिवारिक कथावस्तुमा आधारित छ ।' उनका अनुसार चलचित्रको पूरै कथा एउटा परिवारभित्र केन्द्रित छ । साढे पाँच लाख रुपैयाँको लागतमा निर्मित चलचित्र दीपक अधिकारीले निर्देशन गरेका हुन् । चलचित्रमा कृष्ण राजवंशी -दीपक) नायक, श्यामा राजवंशी -आरती) नायिका र पुनम राजवंशी -रोश्नी) सहनायिका छन् । त्यस्तै, धर्मलाल राजवंशी, यामलाल राजवंशी, पुनम चौधरी, करिश्मा शर्मा, रामबहादुर राजवंशीको मुख्य भूमिका रहेको चलचित्र गोकुलप्रसाद राजवंशीको प्रस्तुति हो । आदर्श मुभिज कला केन्द्रको ब्यानरमा बनेको चलचित्र झापाका विभिन्न क्षेत्र र भारतमा छायाङ्कन भएको छ ।
राजवंशी भाषाको चौथो सो चलचित्रमा सन्तोष खवासको द्वन्द्व, गोविन्द प्रभातको नृत्य, गङ्गाप्रसाद राजवंशीको सङ्गीत, गणेश श्रेष्ठको छायाङ्कन र राजकुमार साहको कथा रहेको छ । चलचित्रको स्थानीय संयोजन सिर्द्धार्थ युवा क्लब घैलाडुब्बाले गरेको छ । राजवंशी भाषामा यसअघि देवसरी, माअेरआशर्ीवाद लगायतका फिल्म बनिसकेका छन् ।


Bangladesh has a rich tradition of folk music.  Although internationally the Baul music is the most well known, there is also the vaoaiya (bhawaia), jari, shari, bhatiyali, jager-gaan, jhumur-gaan, shoitto-peerer-gaan, gajir-gaan, gomvira, baul-gaan, jhapan-gaan, maijvandari-gaan, jogeer-gaan, marfoti-gaan, murshidi-gaan, alkap-gaan, torja-gaan, ghatur-gaan, letor-gaan, dhuaa-gaan, khapa-gaan, and a host of others.  This page will concentrate on the vaoaiya(a.k.a. Bhawaia), which is one of the most popular mainstream folk-songs of northern Bangladesh.
The history of the vaoaiya folk song, like the history of most folk arts, is not always clear.  It is believed that the vaoaiya originated in the Rangpur Districts and the Koch Behar.  Many believe that it is traceable back to the 14th and 15th century.
The first scholarly approach to the subject of vaoaiya appears to be the work of Sir Abraham Grierson (1851-1941).  He was a former British Deputy Collector of the Rangpur district.  He collected two vaoaiya lyrics 1898 and used them as an example of the local dialect.  It is published in his book Linguistic Survey of India (1903), Vol-V, Part-I.

राजवंशीका थरिथरिका विवाह गर्ने पद्धति

हाम्रो समाजमा विवाह गर्ने चलन कति प्रकारका होलान् ? कसैले तपाईलाई सोध्यो भने उत्तर हुन सक्छ, मागी, प्रेम र कानुनी गरी तीन प्रकारका । तर, हामो समाजमा विवाह गर्ने चलन यति मात्रै छैनन् । समाजमा यस्तो पनि समुदाय छ, जसको विवाह गर्ने चलन छ आठ प्रकारको ।
झापा, मोरङ र सुनसरी जिल्लामा बसोवास गर्ने राजवंशी समुदायमा यी चलनवाट विवाह भएको देख्न सकिन्छ । यस समुदायमा मागी विवाह (बरबधु पक्षबीच समझादारीमा भएको विवाह), धन्जिया विवाह (कन्याकेटीको घरमा बर आएर विवाह गरेर बस्ने), डाँगुआ विवाह (विधवासँग घरमा लोग्ने मान्छे आइ घर जम गर्ने), दामेदुमे विवाह (कन्या केटी आर्थिक अभावका कराण बरको घरमा ल्याई विवाह गर्ने), घरढुक्का विवाह (केटाकेटी मन पराएर केटीले आफूखुशी केटाको घरमा गई बस्ने), भातार धरा विवाह (केटाकेटी मन पराइ बाहिर नै विवाह गर्ने), किआ विवाह (विधवा महिलालाई केटाको घरमा ल्याई विधि विधान गरी घरजम

नायक भुवनेश्वर चर्चाको शिखरमा

आत्माराम राजवंशी, खजुरगाछी
राजवंशी सांगीतिक आकाशमा उदाएका नायक तथा निर्माता भुवनेश्वर राजवंशी आफ्नो तेस्रो प्रस्तुति लिएर बजारमा आएका छन् । राजवंशी भिडियो एल्बम ‘मनेर रानी’ उनले चैत्र १२ गतेदेखि सर्वत्र बजारमा ल्याएका हुन् । इलाम र झापाका विभिन्न ठाउँमा सुटिङ्ग गरिएको सो एल्बममा उनी मोडेलको रुपमा देखिएका छन् । एलबमका ८ वटा गीतमध्ये ‘ओ मोर दिलेर रानी’ बोलको गीतले चर्चा पाएको नायक भुवनेश्वरको ठम्याई छ ।
रामनारायण सिंह राजवंशी र मनेजादेवी राजवंशीको कान्छो छोराकोरुपमा जन्मिएका भुवनेश्वरको स्थायी घर महाभारा-१ कुञ्जीवारी हो । सानैदेखि गीत र संगीतमा रुची राख्ने उनले यसअघि ‘सुनगे माई’ र ‘मनेर काथा’ भिडियो एल्बम बजारमा ल्याइसकेका छन् । प्रविणता प्रमाणपत्र तहसम्म अध्ययन गरेका उनले राजवंशी फिल्म ‘बागानेर

सुरू भयो सिरूवा

आत्माराम राजवंशी, खजुरगाछी ।
नयाँ वर्षको आगमनसँगै तराई क्षेत्रमा बसोबास गर्ने राजवंशी, थारु, गनगाईं, ताजपुरिया, माझीलगायतका आदिबासी जातिहरुले धुमधामका साथ सिरुवा पर्व मनाउँदैछन् । तराईका आदिवासी समुदायले आफ्नो परम्परामध्ये विशेष पर्वका रुपमा मनाउँदै आएको यो पर्व तीन दिनसम्म मनाउने प्रचलन छ । जसमध्ये पहिलो दिन वैशाख १ गते जल सिरुवा, २ गते काद सिरुवा र ३ गते रंग सिरुवा खेल्ने गरिन्छ । एकआपसमा भ्रातृत्व र बन्धुत्वको सम्बन्धलाई बढाउन शुभकामना आदान-प्रदान गर्दै सामूहिक रुपमा हर्षोल्लासका साथ यो पर्व मनाउने गरिएको छ । चैत मसान्तमा विभिन्न प्रकारका सातवटा सागसब्जी मिसाएर पकाएको पक्वान्न वैशाख १ गते खाने प्रचलन छ भने अन्य मिठा-मिठा परिकार समेत खाने गरिन्छ । सिरुवा पर्वमा ठाकुरविसरी, ठाकुरव्रंहानी, विसहरी, काली देवीदेवताको पूजा गर्ने चलन छ । पर्वकै अवसरमा संस्कृति झल्कने खालको नाचगान पनि गर्ने गरिन्छ ।

‘हास्य सम्राट’ गोकुल रहेनन्

गोकुल राजबंशी
बिर्तामोड,चैत ११ । तत्कालीन राजा महेन्द्रबाट नेपाली हास्य सम्राटको उपाधि पाएका गोकुल राजबंशीको आइतबार विहान २ः३० बजे निजी निवासमा निधन भएको छ ।
राजगढ गाबिस बार्ड नं –३ बुट्टावारीमा बि.सं २००० साल भाद्र ७ गते बाबु जितनलाल राजबंशी र आमा बत्ती राजबंशीको कोखबाट एक्लो सुपुत्रको रुपमा यस धर्तीमा जन्मनु भएका गोकुल राजबंशीका एक दिदी आनन राजबंशी र एक बहिनी बिषादी राजबंशी थिए । बसाइँसराईको क्रममा २००६ साल कार्तिक महिनामा घैलाडुब्बा बार्ड न –७ मा आउनु भएका उहाँले बाँकी जीवन यसै गाबिसमा विताउनु भयो । उहाँ आदर्श उच्च माबि घैलाडुब्बामा कक्षा १० सम्मको अध्ययन पूरा गरी त्यसै बिद्यालयमा २०२२ सालदेखि १० बर्षसम्म शिक्षण पेशामा आबद्ध हुनुहुन्थ्यो । त्यसैले उहाँलाई पुराना मानिसहरु गोकुल सर भनेर चिन्दछन् ।

नेपालको राजवंशी समुदाय र तिनका मौलिक सांस्कृतिक परम्पराहरू – नवराज सुब्बा

१.१ पृष्ठभूमि
पूर्वी नेपालकोकोच समुदाय राजवंशी नामले परिचित छ । यो समुदाय मोरङ र झापा जिल्लाका विभिन्न भागमा विगत लामो समयदेखि बसोबास गर्दै आएका छन् । राजवंशीको अर्थ हुन्छ “राजपरिवार” अर्थात् “राजवपरिवारसंग आबद्ध” । राजामहाराजाको वंशका भएकाले यिनीहरूले आफूलाई राजवंशी भनेका हुन् । यसले के कुरा बुझाउँछ भने यो समुदायको कुनै समय समृद्ध राज्य र सम्पन्न संस्कृति थियो । राजबंशी जातिलाई कोच अर्थात् कोचे भनेर पनि चिनिन्छ ।
वर्तमान पूर्वी नेपालको कोशी नदी पूर्वको तराई खण्ड पौराणिक कालमा ज्योतिषपुर तथा प्राचिन कामरुप अन्तर्गत पर्दथ्यो भन्ने इतिहास पाइन्छ । रामायण, महाभारत, तन्त्र पुराण आदि हिन्दू धार्मिक ग्रन्थहरूमा प्रागज्योतिष कामरुप देशको उल्लेख गरेको पाइन्छ । महाभारतकालमा प्राग्ज्योतिषको कामरुपको सीमा दक्षिण बंगोपसागर र पश्चिम करोतोया नदीसम्म फैलिएको थियो । सो समयामा करोतोया एउटा विशाल नदी

Maha Shivaratri

Maha Shivaratri is celebrated with great devotion and religious fervor by Hindus, in honor of Lord Shiva, one of the Hindu Gods forming the Trinity. The festival falls on the moonless, 14th night of the new moon in the Hindu month of Phalgun (in the month of February - March, according to English Calendar). On the festival of Maha Shivaratri, devotees observe day and night fast and worship Shiva Lingam, to appease Lord Shiva. Many interesting legends have been related to the festival of Maha Shivaratri, explaining the reason behind its celebrations as well as its significance.


"नाना बुढा त गएछन् नि आज"पल्ला घरका दाइको परबाट यो बोली मेरो कानमा च्वास्स पस्यो अनि एक्कासी मुखबाट निस्कियो-कठै! नाना (राजबंशी/थारु आदि जातमा मावली हजुरबुवा) करिब एक महिना अघि जेठी छोरीको जेठी छोरीको घर गएका थिए। नाना बुढा निकै बुढो भएका थिए।ठूलो सिसावाला चस्मा हातमा एउटा लौरो र काधमा कालो छाता अड्काएर पछाडी झुन्ड्याउँदै कहिले जेठी छोरीको घर त कहिले कान्छी छोरीको घर पैदल नै आउँथेँ।छोराको घर प्राय जादैन थिए।नानाको आँखा कमजोरी भएतापनि जेठी छोरी र कान्छी छोरीको घरसम्मको करिब छ किलोमिटर को मूल राजमार्गको बाटो हुत्तिदै हिँड्थे। उनका दुइ छोरी र एक छोरा थिए।पूर्व,तराइको मध्य दक्षिण क्षेत्रमा नानाको बिशाल बिर्ता थियो।उनलाइ सबैले देउनिया भन्थे।वल्लो छेउमा उभिएर पल्लो छेउको साँध देखिन्नथ्यो।पहाडबाट मान्छे क्रमश तराइ आउँदै जाँदा यि लगायत अन्य देउनियाको(प्राय सबैको प्रशस्त जमिन थियो) सीमाना साँधुरिदै गयो।आफ्नो परम्पराले पनि हुनसक्छ ,यो

Rajbangshi- Bangladesh

A small tribe of the Bhotbarmi group. They entered Bangladesh territory from the Himalayan region and the Brahmaputra valley. Rajbangshis are people of a mixed race, although identified by many as a branch of the Ksatriyas known as the Kotch. They are short and have flat noses and raised jaws. They are followers of Vaisnavism. Some of them now adopted Islam and some Christianity. In Bangladesh, they live mostly in Rangpur, Dinajpur and Rajshahi districts and a small number of them in the districts of Bogra and Mymensingh. In the censuses conducted in 1941 and later, they were treated as part of the Hindu community and as a result, their number could not be properly ascertained. Rajbangshis are now a declining community in Bangladesh area. In 1991, their total population was a little higher than five thousand. 

Agriculture is the main profession of Rajbangshis. They also catch and sell fish. Rajbangshi women are skilled in handicrafts and cottage industry. In their community, the father is the head of the family. Only male children inherit the property of their father after his death. Rajbangshis worship Hindu gods and goddesses

Cooch Behar’s blonde queen From the London swish set to the empty royal palace

London-born Gina Narayan loves Cooch Behar more than any other place in the world. The beautiful Cooch Behar palace, her handsome husband on a horse, tennis or badminton in the afternoon… the images flash through her mind, 27 years after she left India.
Gina was Georgina Egan before she married Maharaja Jagaddipendra Narayan Bhup Bahadur of Cooch Behar in 1956. “We were introduced at a dinner party in London and married secretly after a three- month courtship,” recounts the 76-year-old, sitting in a room bedecked in oil paintings and black-and-white photographs of royal family members at the Dev Burman residence on Ballygunge Circular Road.
Gina Narayan in front of a portrait of her late husband, Maharaja Jagaddipendra Narayan, at the Dev Burman residence. Picture by Bishwarup Dutta

Maghe Sakrati

Maghe Sankranti is the beginning of the holy month of Magh, usually the mid of January. It brings an end to the ill-omened month of Poush (mid-december) when all religious ceremonies are forbidden. Even if it is considered the coldest day of the year, it marks the coming of warmer weather and better days of health and fortune.This day is said to be the most significant day for holy bathing despite the weather. This ritual usually takes place at the union of sacred rivers and streams.


Actually, the first work on Rajbansis was done by C. C. Sanyal, 1965, who wrote on the Rajbanshi community of North Bengal, with its own cultural heritage and their origin and important position even at the Indian context. According to him, these peoples were basically indigenous in nature, but involved in peasantry and associated with various agriculture related rituals, often acted as permanent agriculturists, established marital relationships with other sub-ordinates, underwent through the processes like Vaishnavization and Kshatriyaization, highly affected by Nathism, modified their traditional folk rituals so as to incorporate them into the Hindu fold, created the category of Kamrupi Brahmans, and transformation of

Happy New Year 2013

Animated Happy New Year 2011 Scraps,Orkut Scrap,Jesus,Graphics,Wishes

Happy New Year 2011.

Hope This New Year 2013 Takes You More Happy & More Prosperous In Your Life