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How to wear Tradional dress Petani..?

Petani wearing from India & Nepal
Koch Rajbongshi wear their own traditional dress whereby they wear it in their traditional events, community events and also in general day to day life. Women and Men of Koch Rajbongshi have sets of traditional dress and jewellery. Patani being wore by the women of this community and men wear gamsha/dhoti and a yellow color piece of cloth surrounded in the neck for men, They wear this yellow color cloth in their neck as a mark of respect for nature, elderly people also have a tradition to wear a turban or a lengthy cloth wrapped in their head.

Women wear patani from the chest till below the knee but it does not touch the ankle, the cloth stays above ground of around 6 cms, the reason for wearing Patani not till the ground level or till the ankle because they believe that water is a sacred as it is a part of the nature so while crossing lake or river the cloth should not touch the water, it is a mark of respect to the nature and they believe that if
cloth touch the water the purification of the water goes away and thus how they can not use it in their traditional ritual practice of worshiping nature. Men wear gamasha (5 foot long ) or naucha (9 foot long) from the waist till the knee, it never touches the ankle because they believe that water is sacred as it is a part of the nature so while crossing lake or river the cloth should not touch the water.
They wear a kind of turban, in their head it is a long length cloth wrapped in the head of the elderly men or significant person in the community.

Koch Rajbongshi women get up early in the morning and clean the house with a broom made up of bamboo. Then they give water and food to all the animals first, then they take their breakfast. When they eat, if they have pets like a dog or a cat they also eat along with them the same breakfast, it is a ritual and tradition. Keeping a parrot as a pet is a tradition of Koch Rajbonshi. Whenever Koch Rajbongshi people go for hunting they take the permission from the elder and from the nature to allow them to go for hunting, it is a tradition of Koch Rajbongshi not to kill any animal for pleasure but only for consumption purpose. Koch Rajbongshi people do not eat all kinds of animal. Some of them they consider as bad for their community if they kill (for e.g. crow) They don’t kill DOVE or even they don’t keep as pet in the house but if a dove comes and makes a nest, it is considered as good luck for the community and for the family. Seeing a peacock is considered as good luck during hunting, Koch Rajbongshi people do not kill or eat peacock, but they do catch peacock for feathers for medicinal use but they release the peacock later on after getting the one or two feather. Koch Rajbongshi people make fans out of coconut tree leaves, TAL plant leaves, and they also make fans out of bamboo.
  Click to see the video here How to wear Petani?

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