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Bhakka- Eastern Rajbanshi Delicacy

Steaming bhakka
Steaming bhakka 
 Bhakka, simple fluffy rice flour steamed cake, is a traditional delicacy of the community living in eastern plains of Nepal especially of Rajbansi community. It is typically eaten as breakfast or as a snack with freshly prepared tomato pickle. Although it looks very simple, the process of making it amazingly soft and fluffy is very creative. The one prepared with freshly harvested rice flour has some sweetness. If you happen to visit villages or other cities and towns in eastern plains, you are likely to see women steaming and selling bhakka early morning in the chowks. It has become popular street breakfast!


steamed rice flour cake
Too many bhakka to eat

The rice flour prepared from milling soaked rice is first sprinkled with some water to make lightly moist and then massaged with palms to form moist sand like texture. It is then sieved through the sieve, which helps in forming small round sand-size grits. It is then lightly compacted in a small bowl and then steamed. Traditionally clay pot with the narrow opening is used for steaming. The opening is covered by muslin cloth where the rice cake is placed and steamed with lid-on.

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