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साकारात्मक सोच एक आच्छा नजरिया

साकारात्मक सोच एक आच्छा नजरिया
लोक्लार बिकाशेर ताने, जीवन निर्मानेर ताने, मुश्किलेर सामना कर्बार ताने, आप्नार सम्बन्ध आर खुसियाली जिन्दगी कायम राख्बार ताने सबसे बर भूमिका हये, लोकेर साकारात्मक सोच !
साकारात्मक सोच अमृत हए आर नाकारात्मक सोच बिष हए ! लोकेर जीवनत अमृत आर बिषेर सम्बन्ध हते रहचे ! जाहे दसरा झन् कार नाकारात्मक सोचेर बिष पी लेसे, अये घर- परिवार आर सामाजत निलकण्ठ महादेवेर रुप धारण करि लेसे !
आपनाके नाकारात्मक चिज ला से बचाव आर दसरा झन् कार नाकारात्मक चिज ला हासिते खेलिते झेल्वार कोशिस करेचे, उरा हए आत्मा विजय !

राजवंशी समुदायद्वारा दधिकादो पर्व

झापा जिल्लाका राजबंशी समुदायका मानिसहरुले बिभिन्न कार्यक्रमको आयोजना गरी दधिकादो पर्व मनाउने गरेका छन् । हरेक बर्ष कृष्णजन्माष्टमीको भोलीपल्ट वा नवमीका दिन राजबंशी समुदायले यो पर्व मनाउदै आएका छन ।दधिकादो पर्वको अवसरमा  झापा को  विभिन्न ठाउँहरु  जस्तै गौरादह, खजुरगाछी, शिवगञ्ज, दुवागढी तथा मेचीनगर नगरपालिका लगायतका स्थानहरु मा बसोबास गर्दै आएका राजंवशी समुदायले बिबिध कार्यक्रम गरि  यो पर्व मनाउने गरेका छन् । ती ठाउँका राजवंशी समुदायले भजन किर्तन गर्दै तेल दलेको चिल्लो बाँसमाथि चढेर पोको फुकाउने, हिलो दलेर नरिवल खोस्ने, हाँडी फुटाएर पुरस्कार जित्ने प्रतियोगितात्मक खेलकुद लगायत एक आपसमा हिलो दलादल गरेर यो पर्व मनाउने गरेका छन् ।

Shree Krishna Janmashtami

Krishna Janmashtami is the celebration of the birth of Lord Shri Krishna, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is believed to have been born about five thousand years ago in Mathura in 'Dwapar Yuga'. Krishna Janmashtami is also known as Ashtami Rohini, Srikrishna Jayanti, Krishnashtami, Saatam Aatham, Gokulashtami and sometimes simply as Janmashtami. It is essentially a Hindu festival. The festival is generally observed on Ashtami tithi, the eighth day of the dark half or Krishna Paksha of the month of Bhadrapada in the Hindu calendar, when the Rohini Nakshatra is ascendant. This is usually in the months of August and September in the Gregorian calendar. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and vigor by Hindus all over India and abroad. People observe fast the whole day, sing hymns and conduct prayers at midnight to rejoice the birth of Lord. Ras lila, dramatic enactments of the life of Krishna, are a special feature that is showcased in every part of the country, as it re-creates the flirtatious aspects of Krishna's youthful days. Another interesting aspect of Krishna Janmashtami is the practice of Dahi-Handi. This game portrays the playful and mischievous side of Krishna, where teams of young men form human pyramids to reach a high-hanging pot of butter and break it.

Rakhi-The Thread of Love

The chaste bond of love between a brother and a sister is one of the deepest and noblest of human emotions. 'Raksha Bandhan' or 'Rakhi' is a special occasion to celebrate this emotional bonding by tying a holy thread around the wrist. This thread, which pulsates with sisterly love and sublime sentiments, is rightly called the ‘Rakhi’. It means 'a bond of protection', and Raksha Bandhan signifies that the strong must protect the weak from all that’s evil.
The ritual is observed on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Shravan, on which sisters tie the sacred Rakhi string on their brothers' right wrists, and pray for their long life. Rakhis are ideally made of silk with gold and silver threads, beautifully crafted embroidered sequins, and studded with semi precious stones.