Lets Put In Hands Together To Save Our Beautiful Culture, Society,Religion, Language and Our Recognition..Listen Rajbanshi Songs...>O Ge Beti Jaasis Ge..... # Naya Saalat...

Rich tradition, poor response

Dinesh Ray talks to Anjana Rajan about lesser known music traditions of the Koch Rajbongshi community

Dinesh Ray, a researcher and collector of ancient instruments of the Koch Rajbongshi people, is a treasure house of rare knowledge, while his daughter Anindita Ray plays a number of these instruments. She also sings and dances in performances of fading traditions such as Tukkha gaan, Jugi gaan and others.
The father and daughter, who live in Jalpaiguri in West Bengal, were in New Delhi recently along with their group to perform music and dance at a seminar on Koch Rajbongshi History and Cultural Tradition.
“I started recording these traditions for LPs and EPs in 1984,” says Ray. “Before this, Harish Chandra Pal was the only person who made such recordings. He died in 1982, and after him there was no one.”
It was hard at first to convince a recording label to sign him, as he was an unknown entity to them.

Naa Jais Ge Mai Mok Chariye..

Naa Jais Ge Mai Mok Chariye..

Naa Jaaish Ge Mai Tui Aapnaar Maayer Ghar,

Mok Chariye Hetaan Ekhlaaye,

Tor Bina Baachwa Nipaam Mui,

Tok Chariye Rahabaa Nipaam Ekhlaaye,

Kenekarey Dekhaam Mui Haamaar Premer Maya,

Tok Mui Ketekhaan Prem Karchu,

Tui Mok Premer Parikcha Lailey,

Tok Chariye Rahabaa Nipaam Ekhlaaye,

Saayad Taharey Taane Dhartit Janam Lisu ,

Mok Chariye Naa Jaais Ge Mai,

Saayad Bhagwaaner Lila Haye Ira,

Maanija Ge Mai Mor Kaatha Tui,

Tor Kunha Majbur Chey Te Bataa Mok,

Miliye Ney Haamaa Sangharsh Karma,

Patyaar Tui Mok Karwa Hobey,

Tok Chariye Rahabaa Nipaam Ekhlaaye.

'डाक्टर' बन्न रिक्सा चलाउँदै सुनिलकुमार राजवंशी

सुनिलकुमार राजवंशी
'दुखीको घरमा मात्र तेरो बास हुने भए हे ईश्वर दया राखी मलाई अझै बढी दुःख दे।' प्रशिद्ध नाटककार बालकृष्ण समको यो भनाई मोरङ्का सुनिलकुमार राजवंशीको घरको छानोमा चरितार्थ भएको छ।
पढेर 'डाक्टर' बन्ने उनको ईच्छालाई पैसाले कहिल्यै साथ दिएन। उनी जसरी पनि 'डाक्टर' बन्ने र गरिब दुःखीको सेवा गर्ने योजनामा छन्। तर, पैसा नहुँदाको पिडालाई उनले बिर्तामोडको टन्टलापुर घाम या भारी वर्षासँग रिक्सा कुदाएर सामना गर्देछन्।
आपगाछी – ७ का इन्द्रलाल र उजनीदेवी राजवंशीका जेठा छोरा उनी यतिबेला बिर्तामोडमा रहेको कञ्चनजंघा इन्ष्टिच्यूट अफ हेल्थ साइन्स प्रा.लिमा

Nepal gives world its first Rajbanshi Gita

It is available in languages as diverse as Hebrew and Hungarian. Now the Bhagvad Gita - a scriptural classic that provides the essence of Hindu philosophy - has been rendered in an ancient tribal language still spoken in India, Nepal and Bangladesh. Pawan Rajbanshi, a 41-year-old fine arts teacher from Ghailadubba village in Jhapa, a tea garden district in eastern Nepal bordering India, has come out with the first Gita in the Rajbanshi language spoken by his community.
Also known as Kamtapuri and Tajpuri, the Rajbanshi language bears a striking resemblance to the Bengali and Nepali languages and uses a script that the Rajbanshis say is also the foundation of the Bengali language.“It took me four months. For the translation, I used the original Sanskrit, Nepali and Hindi versions,” Pawan Rajbanshi told IANS.

Bhai Dooj

Nowhere is the bond of brotherly-sisterly love glorified with such grandeur among hindu community. Hindus celebrate this special relationship twice every year, with the festivals of Raksha Bandhan and Bhai Dooj.
What, When & How
After the high voltage celebrations of Diwali, the festival of lights and fire-crackers, sisters all over hindu countries get ready for 'Bhai Dooj' - when sisters ceremonize their love by putting an auspicious tilak or a vermilion mark on the forehead of their brothers and perform an aarti of him by showing him the light of the holy flame as a mark of love and protection from evil forces. Sisters are lavished with gifts, goodies and blessings from their brothers.
Bhai Dooj comes every year on the fifth and last day of Diwali, which falls on a new moon night. The name 'Dooj' means the second day after the new moon, the day of the festival, and 'Bhai' means brother. 

इड परवेर कुछुला महत्वपुर्ण पक्षला प्रस्तुत करुवार अनुमति चाहछी ।

  हुक्का: -

अतिथी सत्कारेर सवसे पहला सामान या कहि ते सेवन सामग्री ताम्कुल से भराल हुक्का पान करुवार चलन हामार बाप पुर्खा से चलि असाल आर आल्हा आधुनिकतम् प्रशोधन आर सरलतम् उपभोग स्वरुप खैनी, चुर, विडी, सिगरेट से हतेहते गुटकाजर्दा तक असिपुगिछे जैला सामग्री अन्जान से अन्जानलार बिचत भि दुवादुइ हचे आत्मियता बढावार सरलआर अनुपम साधन हय । वहिला साधनेर मूल हय हामार हुक्का आर ताहारे सांकेतिक रुप हय हामार औंशिया पावुनेर हुक्का । इड हुँक्का सवसे पहिले कुल देवता - ठाकुर व्रह्माणी, हलुमान, आर जाहाँ काली, पाँचदेवती छे अम्हाँलाक हुँक्का अर्पण करिये तुष्ट करेछी साथ साथ ग्रामेर देवता महाराज थानत चाढाय तुष्टी दिलाछी । अन्तिमत हामाक इखान धर्तित आनुवाँर, निती, चलन, घर व्यवहार, दुनियाँ समाजेर शिक्षा दिक्षा दिलावार अहम् भुमिका रहाल हामार पितृलोकत रहाल पितृदेवलाक हुक्का अर्पण करिये अम्हाँर प्रति

How to wear Tradional dress Petani..?

Petani wearing from India & Nepal
Koch Rajbongshi wear their own traditional dress whereby they wear it in their traditional events, community events and also in general day to day life. Women and Men of Koch Rajbongshi have sets of traditional dress and jewellery. Patani being wore by the women of this community and men wear gamsha/dhoti and a yellow color piece of cloth surrounded in the neck for men, They wear this yellow color cloth in their neck as a mark of respect for nature, elderly people also have a tradition to wear a turban or a lengthy cloth wrapped in their head.

Women wear patani from the chest till below the knee but it does not touch the ankle, the cloth stays above ground of around 6 cms, the reason for wearing Patani not till the ground level or till the ankle because they believe that water is a sacred as it is a part of the nature so while crossing lake or river the cloth should not touch the water, it is a mark of respect to the nature and they believe that if

How To Reduce Your Diabetes Symptoms (Naturally)

diabetes-1-a9252e3fe790013c7bc9595842823f79982defe1-s6-c30Diabetes is when the body has a problem maintaining insulin levels: they either go up too high, or drop dangerously low. There are various causes: diet, obesity, genetics. It’s a problem that affects millions of Americans every day. In 2011 diabetes resulted in 1.4 million deaths worldwide, making it the 8th leading cause of death. Dr. Robert O. Young’s e-book Reverse Your Diabetes Today lays out a diet and workout plan that can show proven results in reversing pre-diabetes, as well as aiding Type-2 diabetes sufferers over the course of only three weeks (unfortunately, to date there is no cure for Type-1 Diabetes).
Diabetes isn’t easy to live with. Reverse Your Diabetes Today says that it can help. There are a number of natural, diet-based options for regulating insulin that don’t involve taking pills or putting any other kind of chemicals into your body. Keeping a diet of the right foods, eaten at the right times of the day makes sure your blood sugar levels are kept at correct levels. Reverse Your Diabetes shows you how! It’s about healthy living and controlling the disease, so that you can experience life without the hassle that comes with being diabetic.

Food Processing by Rajbanshi Indigenous People of North Bengal, India

Author: Ashok Das Gupta (University of North Bengal)
Rajbanshi social fold comprising of both caste and communities constitute 18% of total population of North Bengal, India. They are in favour of irrigation (small and broad scale), sacred grove, fencing and lattice, highland and marshland, river basins and valleys, kitchen garden, etc. They are too good with the complex production systems of crops, cereals, vegetables, rapeseeds, honey, bamboo, liquor and sugar yielding varieties, medicinal herbs, fruits, mushrooms, lichen, livestock, fish, crab, small fish, mud fish, prawn as well as fiber, silk, silk cotton, drinks, areca, betel and tobacco. They are fond of meat, milk, egg and fish. These flora and fauna are again source of fuel, fodder, natural dye, and pesticides.
Rajbanshis is traditional life used to go through barter and reciprocity. Women are involved in preserving fish, paddy, fruit and milk items. In fish and paddy preservation, they use arum. Fruits are preserved in dried or as pickles. They do not waste their organic waste and use them as manure associated with ash, light trap, food-web and natural insecticides. They have developed crop rotation, legume plants and mixed cultivation. They still remember shifting cultivation and bush-fallow cultivation. Further, they have produced complex production systems involving
varieties of flora and fauna (such as mango-pineapple, areca-betel nut, rice-fish, and duck-snail- fish).
Alternative food sources that Rajbanshis do not put in priority are toad/frog, eel, snails and boar. They do not eat cow for religious reasons.

Kinship Relationship

Societies are the networks of two types of kinship relations. The gotiyars or bansaj are the relationships of blood. All the kin relations in this type are defined with blood relation and the principle of inheritance follows through this line only. The gotiars or bansajs are usually belonging to a same clan and worship a common ancestor spirits and common house deities. For hill people, the common dewali or kul pooja (lineage or clan worship) which is carried out either annually or once a three years period generally distinguishes the bansaj kin groups. Usually all the bansaj people are present in such pooja and show great respect to their ancestor. Among gotiyar or bansaj all are invited on all life cycle ceremonies and their presence is more or less obligatory in life crisis ceremony.
Ragat pani bhanda rato hunshha” (blood is red than water) is the common saying among the gotiyars group. That is a biological link of consanguinity, is a powerful bond of solidarity, mutual help, and reciprocity usually stronger than most other links. But there is a great deal of feeling of jealousy, unholy competition and fragmentation among the people of same gotiyar and bansaj in practice. People again equally say that “satru ko anuhar hernu chha bhane dajubhai ko here pugchha”, that is, if you want to see the faces of an enemy, just go and see the faces of your brothers. These are the examples of paradoxes that have been shaping the societies and cultures within the societies.

फेरि सुनाउलान् हरिराजले हार्मोनियम

विराटनगर- दशकअघिको एउटा भजन अहिले पनि रेडियो नेपालको धार्मिक कार्यक्रममा बज्छ । श्रोता र कार्यक्रम प्रस्तोताले सम्झनामा नराखेको नाम हुन सक्छ— हरिराज राजवंशी । उनी मोफसलका जो परे ।
'जय होस् शिवशंकर त्रिपुरारी, जय होस् पशुपतिनाथ भक्त हितकारी...' का सर्जक हरिराज केही समययता गुनगुनाउनै नसक्ने अवस्थामा छन् । विराटनगर-४ का ६४ वषर्ीय संगीतकर्मी एकल एल्बमको तयारी गर्दै रहँदादेखि धेरै बिरामी परे । एकातिर सांगीतिक सक्रियता परिवार चलाउने दरिलो माध्यम बन्न नसक्नु, अर्कोतिर रोगको पिरलो । करिअरमा थोरै निराशा र रोगको धेरै सकसले सांगीतिक सक्रियता केही वर्ष यता घटाउँदै ल्यायो । मृगौला र श्वासप्रश्वास सम्बन्धी रोगले थलिएका उनी लामो उपचारपछि घर फर्किएका छन् ।

Traditional Old Bhawaiya song of North Bengal

Bhawaiya: song of bullock-cart drivers of the North (Rangpur).Bhawaiya) is a musical form popular in Northern Bangladesh, especially Rangpur District and in North Bengal specially in Cooch behar District and Jalpaiguri District. This type of song is sung by the coachman. They sing this song while

उपेक्षामा मेचीपारिका नेपाली गाउँ

झापा : 'यो त हाम्रो यता इन्डियाको बिस्कुट हो, खानु न क्या मीठो छ', मेची नदी पारिपट्टि रहेको महेशपुर गाविस-२ का साउनिया राजवंशीले त्यहीँको प्रहरीचौकीमा भेला भएका झापाका प्रहरीप्रमुख प्रहरी उपरीक्षक मुकुन्दराज आचार्यसहितको टोलीसँग भने। टोलीका सबैले मुखामुख गरे। प्रहरी उपरीक्षक आचार्यले भने, 'क्या गजबको कुरा गर्नु भो। यो पनि त नेपाल नै हो।'
मेचीपारिको गाउँ महेशपुर-२ का बासिन्दा।
मेची नदी पूर्वी नेपालको सीमाबाट बग्छ, तर मेचीपारि पनि नेपालको एउटा बस्ती छ, झापा महेशपुर गाविसको वडानम्बर २। जहाँ करिब आठ सय मानिसको बसोबास छ। त्यहाँ बसोबास गर्नेमा प्राय: आदिवासी राजवंशी समुदाय छन्। उनीहरू दशकौंदेखि चौतर्फी उपेक्षाको सिकार भएका छन्। उनीहरूका लागि राज्यले दिएको एउटा प्रहरीचौकी र एउटा प्राथमिक विद्यालय मात्रै हो।

साकारात्मक सोच एक आच्छा नजरिया

साकारात्मक सोच एक आच्छा नजरिया
लोक्लार बिकाशेर ताने, जीवन निर्मानेर ताने, मुश्किलेर सामना कर्बार ताने, आप्नार सम्बन्ध आर खुसियाली जिन्दगी कायम राख्बार ताने सबसे बर भूमिका हये, लोकेर साकारात्मक सोच !
साकारात्मक सोच अमृत हए आर नाकारात्मक सोच बिष हए ! लोकेर जीवनत अमृत आर बिषेर सम्बन्ध हते रहचे ! जाहे दसरा झन् कार नाकारात्मक सोचेर बिष पी लेसे, अये घर- परिवार आर सामाजत निलकण्ठ महादेवेर रुप धारण करि लेसे !
आपनाके नाकारात्मक चिज ला से बचाव आर दसरा झन् कार नाकारात्मक चिज ला हासिते खेलिते झेल्वार कोशिस करेचे, उरा हए आत्मा विजय !

राजवंशी समुदायद्वारा दधिकादो पर्व

झापा जिल्लाका राजबंशी समुदायका मानिसहरुले बिभिन्न कार्यक्रमको आयोजना गरी दधिकादो पर्व मनाउने गरेका छन् । हरेक बर्ष कृष्णजन्माष्टमीको भोलीपल्ट वा नवमीका दिन राजबंशी समुदायले यो पर्व मनाउदै आएका छन ।दधिकादो पर्वको अवसरमा  झापा को  विभिन्न ठाउँहरु  जस्तै गौरादह, खजुरगाछी, शिवगञ्ज, दुवागढी तथा मेचीनगर नगरपालिका लगायतका स्थानहरु मा बसोबास गर्दै आएका राजंवशी समुदायले बिबिध कार्यक्रम गरि  यो पर्व मनाउने गरेका छन् । ती ठाउँका राजवंशी समुदायले भजन किर्तन गर्दै तेल दलेको चिल्लो बाँसमाथि चढेर पोको फुकाउने, हिलो दलेर नरिवल खोस्ने, हाँडी फुटाएर पुरस्कार जित्ने प्रतियोगितात्मक खेलकुद लगायत एक आपसमा हिलो दलादल गरेर यो पर्व मनाउने गरेका छन् ।

Shree Krishna Janmashtami

Krishna Janmashtami is the celebration of the birth of Lord Shri Krishna, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is believed to have been born about five thousand years ago in Mathura in 'Dwapar Yuga'. Krishna Janmashtami is also known as Ashtami Rohini, Srikrishna Jayanti, Krishnashtami, Saatam Aatham, Gokulashtami and sometimes simply as Janmashtami. It is essentially a Hindu festival. The festival is generally observed on Ashtami tithi, the eighth day of the dark half or Krishna Paksha of the month of Bhadrapada in the Hindu calendar, when the Rohini Nakshatra is ascendant. This is usually in the months of August and September in the Gregorian calendar. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and vigor by Hindus all over India and abroad. People observe fast the whole day, sing hymns and conduct prayers at midnight to rejoice the birth of Lord. Ras lila, dramatic enactments of the life of Krishna, are a special feature that is showcased in every part of the country, as it re-creates the flirtatious aspects of Krishna's youthful days. Another interesting aspect of Krishna Janmashtami is the practice of Dahi-Handi. This game portrays the playful and mischievous side of Krishna, where teams of young men form human pyramids to reach a high-hanging pot of butter and break it.

Rakhi-The Thread of Love

The chaste bond of love between a brother and a sister is one of the deepest and noblest of human emotions. 'Raksha Bandhan' or 'Rakhi' is a special occasion to celebrate this emotional bonding by tying a holy thread around the wrist. This thread, which pulsates with sisterly love and sublime sentiments, is rightly called the ‘Rakhi’. It means 'a bond of protection', and Raksha Bandhan signifies that the strong must protect the weak from all that’s evil.
The ritual is observed on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Shravan, on which sisters tie the sacred Rakhi string on their brothers' right wrists, and pray for their long life. Rakhis are ideally made of silk with gold and silver threads, beautifully crafted embroidered sequins, and studded with semi precious stones.

Chaitra Sakranti

The Hindu community people in Dhaka Bangladesh celebrate Chaitra Sankranti and Pahela Baishakh following age-old traditions. The celebrations bring together people, irrespective of their creed and social differences.

Photo send by Palash Kumar Rajbongshi-Bangladesh


Let's say it's 6.15pm and you're going home (alone of course),
after an unusually hard day on the job. You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself..!!

Rajbanshi V/s Bengali In Bangladesh

Introduction / History
Most of the Bengali groups are easily defined by their common language, Bengali. However, there are several smaller tribes who are also referred to as Bengali, but speak languages other than Bengali. Their languages belong to the Assamese-Bengali sub-group of the Indo-Aryan language family and include these groups: the Hajong and Kishanganjia of India, the Hajong and Tajpuri of Bangladesh, and the Rajbanshi and Kayort of Nepal.

The Hajong originated in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh, and then migrated north. Today, most of them live in east central Bangladesh, primarily in the northern part of the Mymensingh district, which lies on the southern slopes of the Garo Hills. From there, some immigrated into India and now live in the states of Assam, West Bengal, and Arunachal Pradesh. Unfortunately, many of those who now live in Arunachal Pradesh are in danger of being evicted, even though they have been settled there for 30 years. The Tajpuri live in the plains of Rangpur, which is located in northern Bangladesh near the border of India.

How Deshis and Adhivasis are Becoming Sukumbasis (landless). ??

A pahade family from the eastern hill migrated to plain ground around latter sixties. At beginning he purchased one or two bighas of land from a Rajbanshi jimidar and settled cultivating this. His hill background with fairly good literacy status and his connection with local government offices specifically with thanas (police station) provided him opportunities to expand his influence among the rajbanshis, adhibasis and madhises of plain ground. He then started money-lending business and invested some amount among these people with very high interest rate. Since rajbanshi, adhibasi have some social and cultural occasions, which need a lot of money, he easily succeeded to multiply his business within a few years.

It is reported that he had cheated many people of plain area giving less amount at the time of loan negotiation and writing more amount in the tamasuk (contract document) so that rajbanshis, adhibasis and illiterate peoples had to payback more money than they actually had borrowed. Most of them were illiterate and did lapche (finger print) without properly knowing the content of the tamasuk. After few years, with the high interest rate the amount became large enough to payback for debtors, then without any other choice they had to sell their land and pay back the loan.

रङ्गिलो सिरुवा

बाबाले फोन गरेर सोध्नुभयो, 'छोरी घर कहिले आउ“दैछौ, सिरुवा पाब्नीका लागि -' जवाफमा मैले भने“, 'बाबा † म घर आउन पाउ“दिन यसपाली ।' सायद बाबालाई नमज्जा लाग्यो होला, बिस्तारै बोल्नुभो, 'ल छोरी † राम्ररी बस्नु है त ।' सिरुवा पर्व सुनेर म टोलाए“ । यादहरूले एकपछि अर्को गर्दै मलाई भावुक बन्न कर गरायो । पोहोर मनाएकी थिए“, सिरुवा पाब्नी । हजुरआमा-हजुरबाबा, भाउजू,  साथीसंगीस“ग पानी छ्यापाछ्याप गरेर खेलेको 'पानी सिरुवा' । दोस्रो दिन हिलो छ्यापाछ्याप गरेर खेलेको 'काद सिरुवा', 'घाटो पूजा' सबै गाउ“का केटी मिलेर घाटोको गीत गाउ“दै खोलामा सेलाउन गएको सम्झ“दैछु । रातो, पहे“लो र हरियो रङ्गले पोतिएर, एकले अर्कालाई रङ्ग दलिदिएर खेलेको रङ्ग सिरुवा अनि आफ्नै आ“गनको मेलामा मोरङको झर्ुर्किया भन्ने ठाउ“बाट आएका राजवंशी नाचको नाच्ने शैली र दर्शकको मन जित्नसक्ने कलाकारिता देखेर हामी लठ्ठ भएका थियौं ।

नयाँ बर्ष शुभारम्भसँगै राजवंशी जातिले सिरुवा पर्व मनाउँदै

१ बैशाख,२ ० ७ १ उर्लाबारी।
siruwa नयाँ बर्षको आरम्भसँगै राजवंशी समुदायको महान चाड सिरुवा पर्व आजदेखि सुरु भएको छ ।
मुलुकको पूर्वी तराईका जिल्लाहरुमा बसोबास गर्ने राजवंशी समुदायले आजदेखि तीनदिनसम्म सिरुवा पर्व विशेष रुपमा मनाउने गर्छन् । सिरुवा पर्वअन्तर्गत आज पानी सिरुवा मनाँदैछ । बर्षको पहिलो दिन अर्थात् बैशाख १ गते पानी छ्यापाछ्याप गरी ‘पानी’ सिरुवा मनाउने गरिन्छ । बर्षभरी शितलता प्राप्त होस् भन्दै पानी सिरुवा खेल्ने चलन छ । त्यस्तै भोलि बैशाख २ गते ‘काद’ सिरुवा मनाइनेछ । आदिवासी समुदायका राजवंशी जातिले आफुलाई भूमिपुत्रका रुपमा चित्रण गर्दै भोलि ‘काद’ सिरुवा मनाउने गर्छन् । माटोको शरीर माटोमै विलय हुने र माटोले नै जीवन धानेको भन्दै माटोलाई हिलो बनाएर एक आपसमा छ्यापाछ्याप गरी ‘काद’ सिरुवा मनाउने गरिन्छ।

Siruwa- Naya Bachhar- Dol Paabni

Siruwa Paawani (naya bachhar yaniki bangla paatra anusaar) siruwa paabni praay 3 din maanwaar chalan chey. Pahila din Paani (Jal) Siruwa, dasra din Kaada Siruwa (garam maatti se khelwar khela) aar tisraa din ya antim din Rang Siruwa (Colour play siruwa).Ira Paabani et kuldevta, graamdevta araha anya bhagwaan laak puja karwaar chalan chey. Ghatosarir bhi puja karwaar chalan chey. Ira Ghato sari puja maatra mahila lokla puja karwaa paabey.Ghatosarir murti kumaal jaat se benaal jaasey. Behaney puja aaja kariye saan ghuri  laadir kinara jaaye asal se  puja kariyene ladid bagaidibaar chalan chey. Bangla paatra anusar baisaakh yaniki naya bachaar aaswaar 4-5 din aagut

History of Ram Navami

Annually observed in the Hindu month of Chaitra, Ram Navami is one of the holiest Hindu festivals that is observed in nearly every part of the world inhabited by even the least number of Hindus. Explore the interesting origin of Ram Navami with TheHolidaySpot and know how this occassion got its roots. If you like reading about the History of Ram Navami, click here and pass this article on to your friends. Have a happy Ram Navami celebration!
Every year, the month of March-April witnesses a flurry of activities in the pilgrimages and religious spots around India teeming with millions of Hindus with faith in their hearts and devotion in their minds. It is not something unnatural for the knower who is fully aware that the Hindu month of Chaitra is near and Ram Navami, one of the greatest holy Hindu occassions, is to be celebrated in 'Shukla paksha' or the waxing moon phase on the ninth day of the same.

Chiura and Muri in Rajbanshi World

Flattened/Flaked rice (also called beaten rice) is a dehusked rice which is flattened into flat light dry flakes. These flakes of rice swell when added to liquid, whether hot or cold, as they absorb water, milk or any other liquids.

The beaten rice in rajbanshi word called as Chiura. Chiura and muri are also the indigenous food of Nepal. Though it's popular through out Nepal, it's indigenous to Rajbanshi community of Nepal. Chiura is prepared by boiling the paddy with suitable amount of water. The paddy is then drained and dried and roasted and flaked. Traditionally flaking is done in Dhiki or Okhli but today mills are also available. It's mostly consumed as a breakfast and has great importance in some of the festival like Dashain, Ashar 15 (special day to take dahi and chiura).

Dahi Chiura :- Beaten rice is cleaned with water to make it little bit soft and yogurt and sugar is added over that. This way of eating flattened rice is famous among rajbanshi community, and it is eaten as a first meal during festival times.
A traditional puffed rice called muri is made by heating rice in a sand-filled oven. Muri is to rice as popcorn is to corn. The processing involved makes rice less perishable. Muri is a staple food in many parts of Nepal, India and Bangladesh. Jhalmuri or Masalamuri or Bhelpuri is a very popular preparation made from muri.
Puffed rice is used in snack foods and breakfast cereals, and is also a popular street food in some parts of the world. It is an ingredient of bhel puri, a popular Indian chaat item. It is also used in temples and gurdwaras as prasad.

Muri (puffed rice) is prepared by soaking the paddy in water overnight and roasted. During roasting the rice kernel get changed into puffed rice. It's also consumed in the form of balls by mixing with chaku. It's the major ingredient of 'Chatpate'(product prepared from boiled potato with spices mostly consumed in India and Nepal).

‘भेन चलाउनु नै हाम्रो एकमात्र बाँच्ने आधार’

खुट्टामा हवाई चप्पल,कम्मर मुनी धोती र त्योभन्दामाथी शरीरको अगाडीको भाग थोरै भएपनि स्पष्टरुपमा देखिने गरी लगाएको टाँकविहीन सर्ट वा टिसर्ट साथमा उहाँसँगै देखिने गरेकी जसको खुट्टामा मेजीक चप्पल,आङ ढाक्नलाई सारीचोलो लगाएकी हरपल साथमा देखिने एक दम्पत्ति शनिश्चरे-अर्जुनधारा क्षेत्रका विभिन्न स्थानहरुमा कहिले ग्राहक कुरिरहेका हुन्छन् भने त कहिले अविरल वर्षा,प्रचण्ड गर्मी,कठाङरीने जाडोकोसमेत प्रवाह नगरी ग्राहकहरुले भनेबमोजीम उनीहरुका सामाग्रीहरु भेनको सहारामा गन्तव्यतर्फ अघि बढ्दै गरेका भेटिन्छन् ।उहाँहरु हुनुहुन्छ अर्जुनधारा-१ हात्तीकिल्ला निवासी ६४ वर्षीय दिनेश राजवंशी र उहाँको श्रीमती दया राजवंशी ।

20 Benefits Of Walking

ठाकुर ब्रह्मानीर पूजा

आजी नेमान खाचे गाँवेर
देउनियाँ देउनियाँनी।
लारु केला चढाय पूजे
ठाकुर ब्रह्मानी।।

महिला सभासद्लाई प्रेम प्रस्ताव राख्ने घटे, भर्जिनिटी जोगाउने चिन्ता

२ फागुन, काठमाडौं । २९ वर्षकी सभासद् मिलन राजवंशी प्रेमबारे बोल्न संकोच मान्नु हुँदैन भन्ने मान्यता राख्छिन् । प्रेमबारे खुलस्त बोल्न खोजे पनि ‘अहिलेसम्म प्रेममा परेकी छैन’ भन्ने उनको भनाइले उनलाई ‘फ्रयांकनेस’लाई सन्देशास्पद बनाइदिएको छ । प्रेममा नपरे पनि कैयौं प्रेम र बिहे प्रस्तावलाई उनले लत्याइसकेकी छिन् ।
‘आई लभ यु र तिमीसँग बिहे गर्छु भन्ने कति आए कति,’ मन्द मुस्कुराउँदै उनी सुनाउँछिन्, ‘तर मैले मानिनँ ।’ सभासद् हुनु उनको ‘प्रेम जीवन’का निम्ति फलिफाप भएनछ । भन्छिन् ‘खै किन हो, सभासद् बनेपछि प्रेम प्रस्ताव गर्ने ह्वात्तै घटेका छन् ।
सभासद् हुनुपूर्व उनीमाथि चारैतिरबाट प्रेम प्रस्ताव ओइरिन्थ्यो रे ! ‘कहिलेकाँही त हैरान नै हुन्थ्येँ,’ उनी भन्छिन्, ‘अहिले त्यस्ता अनावश्यक झन्झटबाट मुक्त भएकी छु ।’ हँसिलो अनुहारकी राजवंशी नेपाल परिवार दलको समानुपातिक सिटअन्तर्गत सभासद बनेकी हुन् ।
अमेरिकाबाट चारबर्षे ‘इन्टरनेसनल लिडरसिप ट्रेनिङ कोर्स’ सिध्याएर ०६७ मा देश फर्केपछि राजवंशीमाथि प्रेमप्रस्ताव बढी ओइरिन थालेको हो । उनले हरेक प्रस्तावलाई आलटाल गरिन् ।
‘सभासद्को गरिमामय जिम्मेवारी निर्वाह गर्ने दायित्व

दुवागढीमा बृहत कोच राजवंशी लोक सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम हुने

आत्माराम राजवंशी, खजुरगाछी ।
झापाको दुवागढीमा चैत १ र २ गते वृहत कोच राजवंशी लोक सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम हुने भएको छ ।
डोल पावनी (फागु पूर्णिमा) को अवसरमा कोच राजवंशीहरुको जातीय पहिचान, संस्कृति र रहन सहनको जर्गेना गर्ने उद्देश्यले कार्यक्रमको आयोजना गरेको जनाइएको छ । राजवंशी समाज विकास समिति दुवागढी, राजवंशी जाग समाज दुवागढी र फुलभासा आदिवासी युवा क्लब दुवागढीको संयुक्त आयोजनामा हुन लागेको कार्यक्रममा नेपाल तथा भारतको कोच विहारका साहित्यकार, इतिहासकार, कविलगायत बरिष्ठ कलाकारहरुको उपस्थिति रहने आयोजक कमिटिका सदस्य दल सिंह राजवंशीले जनाएका छन्। कार्यक्रममा राजवंशी फेसन शो, फोटो प्रदर्शनी, राजवंशी लोक गीत तथा नृत्यको प्रस्तुति रहने आयोजक कमिटिले जनाएको छ ।

Sivaratri !!

Sivaratri, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is celebrated on the moonless night of the month of Phalguna, which is the fourteenth day in the krishnapaksha or dark half. Owing to a special planetary conjunction, spiritual practices done on this day are considered to be especially auspicious and beneficial. There is a reference to this in one of the Puranas, where Shiva himself tells Parvati Devi [the Divine Mother] that this day is particularly dear to him, and that those who perform the prescribed austerities on this day will be freed from all sins.

Saraswati: Goddess of Knowledge & Arts

Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts, represents the free flow of wisdom and consciousness. She is the mother of the Vedas, and chants to her, called the 'Saraswati Vandana' often begin and end Vedic lessons.
Saraswati is the daughter of Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga. It is believed that goddess Saraswati endows human beings with the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. She has four hands representing four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, alertness and ego. She has sacred scriptures in one hand and a lotus – the symbol of true knowledge – in the second.
With her other two hands she plays the music of love and life on a string instrument called the veena. She is dressed in white – the symbol of purity – and rides on a white swan – symbolizing Sattwa Guna or purity and discrimination. Saraswati is also a prominent figure in Buddhist iconography - the consort of Manjushri.
The learned and the erudite attach greater importance to the worship of goddess Saraswati. As a practice, only educated people worship her for knowledge and wisdom. They believe that only Saraswati can grant them 'moksha' - the final liberation of the soul.
Saraswati's birthday - Vasant Panchami - is a Hindu festival celebrated every year on the 5th day of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of Magha. Hindus celebrate this festival with great fervor in temples, homes and educational institutes alike.

Rajbanshi Rajput

Koch Rajbongshi is an ancient tribe originally from the ancient Koch Kingdom. The Rajbongshi Rajput Tribe is referred to as Koch Rajbongshi/Rajbanshi/Rajvanshi. The word Rajbongshi means literally “Royal community”. They have a rich cultural heritage and their own language. The Kamata kingdom appeared in the western part of the older Kamarupa kingdom in the 13th century, after the fall of the Pala dynasty. The rise of the Kamata kingdom marked the end of the ancient period in the History of Assam and the beginning of the medieval period. The first rulers were the Khens, who were later displaced by Alauddin Hussain Shah, the Turko-Afghan ruler of Bengal. Though Hussain Shah developed extensive administrative structures, he could not maintain political control and the control went to the Koch dynasty. The Koches called themselves “Kamateshwars” (the rulers of Kamata), but their influence and expansions were so extensive and far reaching that their kingdom is sometimes called the Koch Kingdom. Under Maharaja Naranarayan, the Koch Dynasty flourished to the highest extent and his brother Shukladhwaj Singha (famous as Chilarai) was one of the greatest hero of that time.

नेपालेर राजबंशीलार मौलिक परम्परा आर एकटा छट इतीहास

. पृष्ठभूमि 

वर्तमान समयत पुर्बी नेपालेर झापा ,मोरंग आर सुनसरी जिल्लालात पारा पुर्व काल से रहते आशाल कोच समुदायला राजबंशी नाम से परिचित छे | राजबंशीर अर्थ हसे राजार बंस अर्थात राजबंशी ला राजार बंस हबार कारण राजबंशी कहसे इला काथासे कि प्रस्ट हसेकी एकटा समयत राजबंशीला अक्तिसम्पन्न समृद्ध ,आफ्नार भासा ,सांसकृतिर साथ् राज्य सासन करिस्ले | राजबंशी लाक कोच अथवा कोचे कहेके भी चिनाजासे | बर्तमान समयत कोशी नदिर से पुरुब भितिकार तराइर जमिनखान प्राचिन प्राग जोतिस्पुर वा कामरूप राज्यर भितरत छिले कहेना इला कथा इतिहासलात पाछी | रामायण ,महाभारत हिन्दु धर्मेर तन्त्र पुराणलात भी प्रागजोतिस्पुर आर कामरूप राज्यार ब्याख्या कराल पाछी | माहाभारतेर समयत कामरूप राज्यर सिमा दख्खिन बोंगो सागर आर पछिम करोतिया नदिर तक छिले |

उड समयत करोतिया नदिड एकटा बिसाल नदि छिले बर्तमाननेर टिस्टा ,कोशी आर माहानन्द मिलिय एकटा बिसाल नदि छिले | योगिनी तन्त्र आनुसार पछिम करोतिया नदिसे दिक्करबासिनी तक उत्तर कन्चगिरि ,पुरूप भिती तिर्थश्रेष्ठ दिक्षानदि ,दख्खिन भिती ब्रम्हपुत्र आर लाक्षा नदिड तक कामरूप राज्यखान फैलाल छिले जाक पछुकर समयत कामतापुर से चिनाल गेइस्ले | कोच सब्द संकोस सब्द से उत्पत्ति हवाल सब्द हए | आसामत रहाल संकोश नदि आर नेपालेर कोशी नदिर बीचत रहबार लोक्लाक कोस कहेना चिनाल जछे ओइड कोस सब्द बर्तमान समयत कोच नाम से परिचित छे |