Lets Put In Hands Together To Save Our Beautiful Culture, Society,Religion, Language and Our Recognition..Listen Rajbanshi Songs...>O Ge Beti Jaasis Ge..... # Naya Saalat...

How to wear Tradional dress Petani..?

Petani wearing from India & Nepal
Koch Rajbongshi wear their own traditional dress whereby they wear it in their traditional events, community events and also in general day to day life. Women and Men of Koch Rajbongshi have sets of traditional dress and jewellery. Patani being wore by the women of this community and men wear gamsha/dhoti and a yellow color piece of cloth surrounded in the neck for men, They wear this yellow color cloth in their neck as a mark of respect for nature, elderly people also have a tradition to wear a turban or a lengthy cloth wrapped in their head.

Women wear patani from the chest till below the knee but it does not touch the ankle, the cloth stays above ground of around 6 cms, the reason for wearing Patani not till the ground level or till the ankle because they believe that water is a sacred as it is a part of the nature so while crossing lake or river the cloth should not touch the water, it is a mark of respect to the nature and they believe that if

How To Reduce Your Diabetes Symptoms (Naturally)

diabetes-1-a9252e3fe790013c7bc9595842823f79982defe1-s6-c30Diabetes is when the body has a problem maintaining insulin levels: they either go up too high, or drop dangerously low. There are various causes: diet, obesity, genetics. It’s a problem that affects millions of Americans every day. In 2011 diabetes resulted in 1.4 million deaths worldwide, making it the 8th leading cause of death. Dr. Robert O. Young’s e-book Reverse Your Diabetes Today lays out a diet and workout plan that can show proven results in reversing pre-diabetes, as well as aiding Type-2 diabetes sufferers over the course of only three weeks (unfortunately, to date there is no cure for Type-1 Diabetes).
Diabetes isn’t easy to live with. Reverse Your Diabetes Today says that it can help. There are a number of natural, diet-based options for regulating insulin that don’t involve taking pills or putting any other kind of chemicals into your body. Keeping a diet of the right foods, eaten at the right times of the day makes sure your blood sugar levels are kept at correct levels. Reverse Your Diabetes shows you how! It’s about healthy living and controlling the disease, so that you can experience life without the hassle that comes with being diabetic.

Food Processing by Rajbanshi Indigenous People of North Bengal, India

Author: Ashok Das Gupta (University of North Bengal)
Rajbanshi social fold comprising of both caste and communities constitute 18% of total population of North Bengal, India. They are in favour of irrigation (small and broad scale), sacred grove, fencing and lattice, highland and marshland, river basins and valleys, kitchen garden, etc. They are too good with the complex production systems of crops, cereals, vegetables, rapeseeds, honey, bamboo, liquor and sugar yielding varieties, medicinal herbs, fruits, mushrooms, lichen, livestock, fish, crab, small fish, mud fish, prawn as well as fiber, silk, silk cotton, drinks, areca, betel and tobacco. They are fond of meat, milk, egg and fish. These flora and fauna are again source of fuel, fodder, natural dye, and pesticides.
Rajbanshis is traditional life used to go through barter and reciprocity. Women are involved in preserving fish, paddy, fruit and milk items. In fish and paddy preservation, they use arum. Fruits are preserved in dried or as pickles. They do not waste their organic waste and use them as manure associated with ash, light trap, food-web and natural insecticides. They have developed crop rotation, legume plants and mixed cultivation. They still remember shifting cultivation and bush-fallow cultivation. Further, they have produced complex production systems involving
varieties of flora and fauna (such as mango-pineapple, areca-betel nut, rice-fish, and duck-snail- fish).
Alternative food sources that Rajbanshis do not put in priority are toad/frog, eel, snails and boar. They do not eat cow for religious reasons.

Kinship Relationship

Societies are the networks of two types of kinship relations. The gotiyars or bansaj are the relationships of blood. All the kin relations in this type are defined with blood relation and the principle of inheritance follows through this line only. The gotiars or bansajs are usually belonging to a same clan and worship a common ancestor spirits and common house deities. For hill people, the common dewali or kul pooja (lineage or clan worship) which is carried out either annually or once a three years period generally distinguishes the bansaj kin groups. Usually all the bansaj people are present in such pooja and show great respect to their ancestor. Among gotiyar or bansaj all are invited on all life cycle ceremonies and their presence is more or less obligatory in life crisis ceremony.
Ragat pani bhanda rato hunshha” (blood is red than water) is the common saying among the gotiyars group. That is a biological link of consanguinity, is a powerful bond of solidarity, mutual help, and reciprocity usually stronger than most other links. But there is a great deal of feeling of jealousy, unholy competition and fragmentation among the people of same gotiyar and bansaj in practice. People again equally say that “satru ko anuhar hernu chha bhane dajubhai ko here pugchha”, that is, if you want to see the faces of an enemy, just go and see the faces of your brothers. These are the examples of paradoxes that have been shaping the societies and cultures within the societies.

फेरि सुनाउलान् हरिराजले हार्मोनियम

विराटनगर- दशकअघिको एउटा भजन अहिले पनि रेडियो नेपालको धार्मिक कार्यक्रममा बज्छ । श्रोता र कार्यक्रम प्रस्तोताले सम्झनामा नराखेको नाम हुन सक्छ— हरिराज राजवंशी । उनी मोफसलका जो परे ।
'जय होस् शिवशंकर त्रिपुरारी, जय होस् पशुपतिनाथ भक्त हितकारी...' का सर्जक हरिराज केही समययता गुनगुनाउनै नसक्ने अवस्थामा छन् । विराटनगर-४ का ६४ वषर्ीय संगीतकर्मी एकल एल्बमको तयारी गर्दै रहँदादेखि धेरै बिरामी परे । एकातिर सांगीतिक सक्रियता परिवार चलाउने दरिलो माध्यम बन्न नसक्नु, अर्कोतिर रोगको पिरलो । करिअरमा थोरै निराशा र रोगको धेरै सकसले सांगीतिक सक्रियता केही वर्ष यता घटाउँदै ल्यायो । मृगौला र श्वासप्रश्वास सम्बन्धी रोगले थलिएका उनी लामो उपचारपछि घर फर्किएका छन् ।

Traditional Old Bhawaiya song of North Bengal

Bhawaiya: song of bullock-cart drivers of the North (Rangpur).Bhawaiya) is a musical form popular in Northern Bangladesh, especially Rangpur District and in North Bengal specially in Cooch behar District and Jalpaiguri District. This type of song is sung by the coachman. They sing this song while

उपेक्षामा मेचीपारिका नेपाली गाउँ

झापा : 'यो त हाम्रो यता इन्डियाको बिस्कुट हो, खानु न क्या मीठो छ', मेची नदी पारिपट्टि रहेको महेशपुर गाविस-२ का साउनिया राजवंशीले त्यहीँको प्रहरीचौकीमा भेला भएका झापाका प्रहरीप्रमुख प्रहरी उपरीक्षक मुकुन्दराज आचार्यसहितको टोलीसँग भने। टोलीका सबैले मुखामुख गरे। प्रहरी उपरीक्षक आचार्यले भने, 'क्या गजबको कुरा गर्नु भो। यो पनि त नेपाल नै हो।'
मेचीपारिको गाउँ महेशपुर-२ का बासिन्दा।
मेची नदी पूर्वी नेपालको सीमाबाट बग्छ, तर मेचीपारि पनि नेपालको एउटा बस्ती छ, झापा महेशपुर गाविसको वडानम्बर २। जहाँ करिब आठ सय मानिसको बसोबास छ। त्यहाँ बसोबास गर्नेमा प्राय: आदिवासी राजवंशी समुदाय छन्। उनीहरू दशकौंदेखि चौतर्फी उपेक्षाको सिकार भएका छन्। उनीहरूका लागि राज्यले दिएको एउटा प्रहरीचौकी र एउटा प्राथमिक विद्यालय मात्रै हो।