Lets Put In Hands Together To Save Our Beautiful Culture, Society,Religion, Language and Our Recognition..Listen Rajbanshi Songs...>O Ge Beti Jaasis Ge..... # Naya Saalat...

International Seminar On Koch Rajbanshi / Rajbongshi Language

An International Seminar on Koch Rajbanshi / Rajbongshi Language was held In India. The place of Chandpara in Kokrajhar District Of Assam state was the host for this conference. The place was beautifully decorated with the cultural identities. People of rajbanshi were being trained for good hospitality to gestures who are being invited nationally and internationally. The three days programme on 23th, 24th and 25th September 2011 were busy scheduled by the host volunteers and it was a great and a very good opportunities for the community to get a symbol of unification.
An international seminar on the language, culture and the society of the Koch Rajbanshi / Rajbongshis and also the second biennial conference of the Koch Rajbanshi / Rajbongshi Sahitya Sabha, Kokrajhar District Committee at Chandpara. All the expatriates of the committee were present at the moment. Most of the group of rajbanshi were keen interested to lead the program in better conceptual aheads. Mr Padmalachan Roy, secretary of the reception committee of the programme directing all the participants or volunteers with an enhance manner.
According to Bishwajit Roy, resource persons, participants and cultural teams belonging to Assam, West Bengal, Bihar, Meghalaya and even Nepal were attended  the seminar to make an appraisal on the theme concerned and provide a platform for wide discussion and interaction. He further said that a reception committee has already been constituted in this regard.
Roy also informed that in the seminar, various topics like people, their ethnic identity and socio-economic and political trends and issues against different geographical and political backgrounds, will be discussed along with folk literature, oral literature, Rajbongshi phonology, morphology and morphogenic change, etc

परम्परागत पोशाक र आभूषणको संरक्षण आवश्यक

नेपालका आदिबासीहरु जनजातिहरूमध्ये राजबंशी समुदाय बिशिष्ठ पहिचान सहितको समुदाय हो । करीव एक लाखको संख्यामा पूर्वी नेपालको तराइमा रहेको यो जातिको आफ्नै मौलिक परम्पराहरु रहेका छन् । राजबंशी समुदायले लगाउने पोशाक र गहनाहरु लोपोन्मुख अवस्थामा रहेका छन् । युवा समुदायले यस्ता बस्तुप्रति ध्यान नदिँदा लोपोन्मुख अवस्थामा पुगेका हुन् । महिला तथा पुरुषले लगाउने पेटानी, ब्लाउज, कानमा लगाउने चेप्टा सना, गोल सनाहरु बिस्तारै प्रचलनमा हराउनु चिन्ताको विषय हो ।
नाकमा लगाउने बेशन, नेथ्या, घाँटीमा लगाउने गोठमाला, हार बिच्छा माला र चन्द्रहार, पाखुरामा लगाउने समाग्री सिप्तीतार, भुमुख दुवातार माला आदि हुन ।
खुट्टामा लाउने छारा, खेउरा आदि हुन् । पुरुषले लगाउने पाइजामा, कमिज, सुरुवाल, धोती युवाहरुको रोजाइमा पर्नै छाडेको छ । पश्चिमा सँस्कृतिको सिको गर्दै युवाहरुले मौलिक पहिरन लगाउन छाडेका हुन । अरू बेला नलगाए पनि बिवाह र अन्य सामाजिक काममा यस्ता मौलिक पहिरन लगाउने गरे यिनीहरूको संरक्षण हुन सक्नेछ ।
आफ्नो जातिय अस्तीत्व जोगाइ राख्नका लागि पनि आफ्नो सँस्कृतिको रक्षा गर्नु अपरिहार्य हो । युवाहरुलाई पनि यस्ता पहिरनप्रति चासो देखाउनुपर्ने देखिन्छ नत्र यस्तै अवस्था रहे मौलिक पहिरनहरु लोप हुन नसक्लान् भन्न सकिदैन

Vishwakarma! The God of Arts...

Vishwakarma Puja
Vishwakarma is known as the divine engineer of the world. As a mark of reverence he is not only worshipped by the engineering and architectural community but also by all professionals. It is customary for craftsmen to worship their tools in his name.
Vishwakarma - Lord of ArchitectureLike other gods, Vishwakarma is attributed a putative birthday by the Hindu religion. The more philosophical minded argue that it is impossible for the original Creator of everything to be born on a particular day. It is a contradiction in terms since that presupposes another creator for Vishwakarma. The Vishwakarma Puja is celebrated in all parts of Hindu Countries.
Even among those who believe that there is a birthday there is no agreement as to when it actually occurs. Visvakarma birthday is celebrated on two days under different names:

  • Rishi Panchami Dinam. "Rishi Panchami Dinam" literally means ‘the day of the solidarity of five rishis.’ Those who celebrate this day believe that Vishwakarma did not have a birthday like the mortals but only a commemoration day in which his five children (supposedly five rishis) came together to declare their solidarity and pray to their illustrious father. This day follows the rules of the Hindu calendar and changes with every year. The five groups among the Vishwakarma community also celebrate this as an auspicious day in commemoration of their patron god at present
  • Visvakarma Jayanthi. Vishwakarma Jayanthi is celebrated by all industrial houses, artists, craftsmen, and weavers. The festival is observed on the Kanya Sankranti Day (September) which follows the Ganesh Puja. It was on this particular day that the forefathers of the present Visvakarma people invented the plough and gifted it to humanity. The plough represents both the artisan trade as well as agriculture and therefore becomes the representative symbol of the ancient Indian civilisation. It changed the course of human history altogether. This was a change from ‘local mob culture to universal human culture’ and Vishwakarmas of India pioneered it. Coincidentally, this also becomes the birthday of Rsi/Silpi Visvakarma. So Indians in the past celebrated this day of many illustrious conjunctions as an occasion to honor Vishwakarma and his descendants.
  • Pancha Mukha Virt Vishwakarma

  •  Vishvakarma created five Brahmas/prajapathies - from his five faces. They were Manu, Maya, Twosta, Silpy, Viswajna and their respective Rishis were...
    1. Sanaga Brahma Rishi
    2. Sanaathana Brahma Rishi
    3. Abhuvanasa Brahma Rishi
    4. Prathnasa Brahma Rishi
    5. Suparnasa Brahma Rishi
Architectural wonders

Hindu scriptures describe many of Vishwakarma's architectural accomplishments.Through the four yugas (aeons of Hindu mythology), he had built several towns and palaces for the gods. Among them were, in chronological order, Svarga (Heaven) in the Satya Yuga, Lanka in the Treta Yuga, and Dwarka (Krishna's capital) in the Dwapara Yuga.
Sone Ki Lanka
According to Ramayana, 'Sone ki Lanka' or Golden Lanka was the place where the demon king Ravana dwelled in the "Treta yuga." As we read in the epic story Ramayana, this was also the place where Ravana kept Sita, Lord Ram's wife as a hostage. There is also a story behind the construction of Golden Lanka. When Lord Shiva married Parvati, he asked Viswakarma to build a beautiful palace for them to reside. Vishwakarma put up a palace made of gold. For the housewarming ceremony, Shiva invited the wise Ravana to perform the "Grihapravesh" ritual. After the sacred ceremony when Shiva asked Ravana to ask anything in return as "Dakshina", Ravana, overwhelmed with the beauty and grandeur of the palace, asked Shiva for the golden palace itself. Shiva was obliged to accede to Ravana's wish, and the Golden Lanka became Ravana's palace. Again, the traditional sources point to Mayasura as the architect and his daughter Mandodri married Ravana.
Viswakarma is also supposed to have built Dwarka, the capital of Lord Krishna. During the time of the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna is said to have lived in Dwarka, and made it his "Karma Bhoomi" or center of operation. That is why this place in western India (today's Gujarat) has become a well known pilgrimage for the Hindus.

शत प्रतिशत म ठिक पार्दछु’

आफ्ना बाबु बाजेले गरि आएको पेशा तिनका छोरा नातिले पनि गरिरहन्छन् भन्ने कुरामा सवैले विश्वास नगर्न पनि सक्छन् । तर झापाको महेशपुरको एक राजवंशी परिवार तीन पुस्तादेखि एउटै पेशामा लागिपरेको छ । परिवारका सवै छोराहरूले आयुर्वेद उपचारमा पचासौं वर्षअघिका सीप र ज्ञान अझै कायम नै राखेका छन् । ‘अझै विधिसङ्गत ढङ्गले विकास गर्दै लगेका छौं’,त्यही तीनपुस्ते आयुर्वेद चिकीत्साका आयुर्वेदक धिरेन्द्र राजवंशी बताउँछन् ।
झापाको महेशपुर–१ बस्ने ती आयुर्वेदकको जडिबुटीले हातखुट्टाको हड्डी भाँचिएको,टुटेफुटेको उपचारमा विज्ञानका डाक्टरीलाई समेत चुनौति दिई आएको छ । ‘शत प्रतिशत म ठिक पार्दछु’ उनले भने, ‘तर जाती हुन्छ भनेर रोगका बारे हेलचेक्र्याँई गर्नु हुन्न ।’ बाजे, बुबाबाट आयुर्वेद उपचार विधि सिकेजानेका बताउने उनले झापाको दमकमा भर्खरै उपचार केन्द्र शुरू गरि आफ्नो पेशालाई मजबुत तुल्याएका छन् । यसअघि इलामको फिक्कलमा समेत उपचार केन्द्र गरी सयौं त्यस्ता रोगीको सफल उपचार गरेको उनको दाबी छ ।
स्थानीय वनजङ्गलमा सजिलै पाईने झारपातलाई कुटेर,पिसेर तयार गरिने उनको ओखती हातखुट्टाका हड्डी टुटेफुटेको भाँचिएकोका लागि मूल ओखती हो भन्ने तर्क गर्छन् उनी। ‘हाम्रो गाउँ ठाउँमा प्रशस्त त्यस्ता जडीबुटी छन्, जसको सदुपयोग हुन सकेको छैन’, पुस्तौंदेखि तयस्ता उपचारमा जमेका अनुभव साट्दै धिरेन्द्र भन्छन् । सस्तो र भरपर्दो उपचार गर्नु यो विधि हो । उनी त्यस्ता विरामीको अवस्था हेरी उसको समस्याबारे केलाउने र जडिबुटी लगाउने गर्ने गर्छन् । एक्सरे बिना सकेसम्म उनी उपचार उपचार विधि नै अपनाउँदैनन् ।

आयुर्वेदक धिरेन्द्र राजवंशी

भित्तामा एक्सरे हेर्ने उपकरण देखाउँदै उनी भन्छन्, ‘जुन समस्या छ हेर्ने र उपचार पछि एकसर गरेर आफूले गरेको उपचारको स्थिति हेर्छु ।’ हड्डी टुटेफुटेको, भाँचिएको बिरामीलाई सामान्य आयुर्वेदीक ओखती खान दिने र ओखती दलेर गाउँले काम्रो लगाईदिन्छन् । ‘हामी प्लष्टर गर्दैनौं, केन्द्रमा राख्दैनौं पनि’, धिरेन्द्र भन्छन्, ‘तर उ डेढ दुइ महिनामा ३/४ पटक आउनुपर्छ ।’
कुनै बेला स्कुले जीवनमा कवड्डी खेलका राष्ट्रिय खेलाडी समेत भएका उनका २ दाजुभाइ अगम र श्याम समेतले आयुर्वेदमा काम गरि आएका छन् । अगम विर्तामोड र श्यामले घरमै आयुर्वेद उपचार गरिरहेका छन् । उनीहरुले बाजे इन्द्रसिंह, बुबा नगदलालबाट ती उपचारको शिक्षा हासिल गरेका हुन् ।
यसबाहेक जिल्ला आयुर्वेदले बेला बेलामा उनीहरूलाई घरेलु आयुर्वेद उपचारका बारे तालिम दिने गरेको छ । एस.एल.सी.सम्म अध्ययन गरेका ३५ वर्षीय धिरेन्द्रले मान्छे बाहेक गाइबस्तुको खुट्टाको हड्डी टुटुफुटेको,भाँचिएको समेत उपचार गर्ने गरेका छन् । पैसा कमाउने भन्दा आफ्नो पेशा सेवामुखी भएको बताउने उनी विरामीको सहजतालाई ध्यान दिएर घरमा पुगेरसमेत औषधि उपचार गर्ने गर्छन् । ‘पैसा कमाउने स्वार्थ भन्दा पनि हाम्रो गाउँ घरका झारपात ओखती पनि बन्दा रहेछन् भन्ने प्रचारमा छु’, उनी थप्छन् ‘आयुर्वेद चिकीत्सा पद्धतिमा राज्यको ध्यान जानुपर्छ ।’(स्रोत पुर्बेलितिमेस)